Friday, September 21, 2012


Heinrich had the chance to go to Rothenburg. It is a beautiful city with a lot of Christmas themes. In the winter there is a beautiful Christmas market they set up on the platz. When there is a light snowfall they say that it is just like a snow globe scene. While he was walking around he met some of the town's nutcracker soldiers. The soldier was nice enough but he had a pretty stiff personality.
Heinrich liked it a lot more when he got to the bear section of town. One of the first bears he met was up in a window. It's kind of hard to see in the picture but the bear was blowing real bubbles that would then float down the street.

Just around the corner Heinrich met one of the biggest bears he had ever seen. Heinrich got to climb up on his shoulder for a picture but the whole time he was a little scared that the bear would gobble him up. No worries - the bear had spatzel for lunch and wasn't hungry at all.

The best part of the visit was when Heinrich found a family of bears that were just his size. There was a mama and a papa bear and down in the corner they even had a little baby bear. They were very nice and looked pretty fancy in their German clothes.

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