Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Road Signs and Driving

Before Heinrich can get a driver's license in Germany he has to learn what all of the street signs mean. This is a little more tricky than it may seem. Some of the signs are very different than Heinrich knew about in America. This signs means no parking on this side of the street, both in front of the sign and behind the sign.  (Can you tell Heinrich has been working out?  He is showing off his muscles here.)  Look at that beautiful sky!

Heinrich came across another sign which he didn't know what it meant. So he decided to just keep driving. After about 2 miles he found himself on a big main road that was being retarred and he was stuck in the construction lane. There was nothing to do but drive right through the "no passing" area. All of the German people were waving their hands at him. Hopefully they were waving "hello" and not just showing how silly they thought Heinrich was. From now on Heinrich drives with a German dictionary so he can understand the unusual street signs.  We practise as we drive - we look at the sign and tell each other what that sign means.  Hopefully Heinrich will get very familiar with ALL of their signs soon. 


  1. Oh no Heinrich! Be more careful!!! Those arms are looking so buff!

  2. I thought Heinrich already had his driver's license. It's a good thing he'll be there for a while. I'm sure he'll be a pro in no time.

  3. He looks like he might be ready to start his own Chip&Dale offshoot...
