Germany is famous for making fancy and
fast cars. Heinrich found a really nice black car outside of the
apartment. It kind of looked like the bat mobile. Really cool
Heinrich has been staying at the
housing on base. It is called the Eifel Arms Inn. Heinrich is staying
up on the third floor (without an elevator) but in a nice suite.
Even though the sports car was fun to
see. There was another one that looked even better. His Prius finally
arrived in Germany. When he first got here he had to do a lot of
walking but one of his new friends let him borrow their extra white
van. You can see it in the background. It was nice to use but the
Prius will but a lot easier on the narrow German roads.
The room he is staying in is the
Traben- Trabach suite. Pretty fancy, huh?
He still hasn't found a place of his own? That's sad.