Sunday, March 17, 2013

Neptune Fountain

Around the corner Heinrich found a very beautiful fountain. It is called Neptune's Fountain. The artwork in the sculpture is very detailed and creative.

A part of the fountain includes animals that are sitting in water when the fountain is running. One of these is a large crocodile. The detail of the statue is amazing. If you look past the crocodile at the base of the fountain you can see the care the artist took with the sculpture. There are beautiful images of a turtle and a lobster.

Around Neptune are four ladies. They represent the Four main Rivers of Germany. The Elbe, Vistula, Oder and the Rhine.  The lady for the Elbe has a sickle and several sheaves of grain representing agriculture. 
The Vistula is a place where lots of people earn a living from fishing. That statue has nets and fish in her lap. 
The statue for the Oder has a lady with a goat and several animal furs around her to remind people of the herding of animals in the region. 

The Rhine is a region very famous for its vineyards and wine production. The statue for the Rhine has a lady with a flask of wine and clusters of grapes.

The leg of the merpeople end in duck-like webbed feet. In the back ground you can see a sea lion. 
 But if you look in the front you can see a nasty looking snake. Always remember, Heinrich no like snakes.

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