Friday, March 1, 2013

Belgium Frites

Heinrich was driving through Belgium when he saw a man wave a sign up and down. It was pretty cold that day and the man didn't look like he was dressed warm enough to be out on such a cold day. But when Heinrich looked closer he realized it wasn't a real man. It was a mechanical mannequin. In Europe they use these a lot in construction sites. Instead of a live flag man or woman they use mechanical mannequins.

But this wasn't a construction site. So Heinrich decided to find out what was being advertised. It turned out to be a Belgian Friterie or fry shop. Remember in Europe they aren't called French Fries, they are called “frites Belge” or Belgian Fries.

Heinrich was pretty hungry so he thought he would try something to eat. There were lots of different ways the fries were being served inside. He decided to try a “fricadelle” or French fry sandwich. It tasted good even if it wasn't the normal way Heinrich usually eats his fries.

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