Sunday, March 3, 2013


Heinrich found a wonderful little corner of Germany in a city named Aachen. On a very short part of a road on the north side of Aachen is a outlet store for the Lindt Chocolate company.

The store sells chocolates made by some of the best chocolatiers in the world. Heinrich found a picture of one of the chefs stirring a bowl of fresh chocolate.

In the store there are rows and rows and rows of chocolates. There are many different flavors and many more different shapes. It was like being a bear in a candy store.

Across the street was a Katjes store that sold many kinds of sweets and non-chocolate candies. And next to that store was a cookie outlet. It seems that Heinrich eyes were bigger than his stomach and probably his wallet as well.

When he got home Heinrich got a pictures of all of his Katjes,

and all of his cookie store bargains,

and all of his Lindt candy store treasures. The most amazing thing of all --- When he finished Heinrich asked, “Aren't you glad I showed discretion? I could of bought a lot more!”

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