Saturday, October 6, 2012

Rothenburg Friends

Heinrich wandered up into town on a little adventure. As he was exploring he found a new friend. This was one weird little creature. It had a bunny's body, a deer's antlers, owl wings, chicken legs and fox fangs. But he was really friendly and Heinrich had a good chat with his new friend from Rothenburg.

Around the corner was a large cathedral or Dom as they are called in Germany. Outside was a big statue of St. James. You can tell it is St James because he has a scallop shell, which is the symbol for St. James. In French St James is called Jacques and the word for seashell is coquille. That's why Coquilles St Jacques are made out of scallops.

Heinrich went over to shake hands with St Jacobus. That's his name in German. Unfortunately instead of shaking his hand, Heinrich pulled his finger like most other people had been doing. Don't they know better than to pull someone's finger?

In the evening Heinrich found a nice cafe to have dinner. He had champignonrahmschnitzel vom schwein mit kroketten und salat (breaded escalope of pork in a cream of mushroom sauce with potato croquettes and a mixed salad) and Spanferkel mit knodel und blaukraut (Roast of suckling pig with potato dumplings and red cabbage) It was very good but the dumplings were kind of sticky and a little heavy. The rest was very delicious.

While he was eating he noticed that there were several gnomes and a hedgehog playing in the flowers around the restaurant.


After dinner he decided to get his picture taken with his new friends.

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