Saturday, October 27, 2012


When Heinrich first got to Germany he learned that the Germans don't eat French Fries with their fingers. They always use a fork or special sticks that they use to spear the fries. He has enjoyed fries or as they are called in Germany frites. They are almost everywhere. One day he was at a Home Improvement store and they even sold them there.

It was later that Heinrich learned that they don't call them French Fires in Europe. It seems it wasn't the French that made them famous but the people from Belgium. Here if they are called something more than frites, they are called frites Belges
In Belgium there are Frites signs everywhere. Some are really fancy; others are just plain signs. But they all mean the same thing. Get your frites here. Heinrich stopped at a frites place in St Vith. He got an order of fries as well as a sandwich called Shinkel Kase. It was just like a chef salad served like a sandwich on a piece of French bread. There was ham and lettuce and carrots and egg and cheese and dressing. And when you ask for dipping sauce they usually give mayonnaise for the fries but will give ketchup if you ask. But instead of little packets, they just squirt it right on top of the fries.


  1. That looks good! Except for the mayonnaise... :P bleck!

  2. Sounds really good...but the blob of mayo not so much. Really funny about the fries, seems like it would take a lot longer to eat fries with a fork vs your fingers...although may not be a bad thing ;)
