Monday, January 7, 2013

Grimms home

Heinrich enjoyed his walk through Steinau even thou it was raining quite a bit. He wandered down one of the streets and found a sign on a stone wall next to the gate. Heinrich's German is still coming along slowly but he could figure our the top line. It meant the Bother Grimms House in Steinau. He decided to go in and see what was there.

The house where the brothers lived when they were teenagers was actually pretty large. Their father was a prosperous man and they had a nice life with a good education. Most of the other homes in the town were much smaller.

To the side of the house the archaeologist have uncovered the medieval road that ran through the town. It was one of the main roads in Germany and it ran right next to the family's house. Originally the road was flat but after years and years of carts travelling on the road there are huge ruts cut into the stones.

 On the side of the house, there was another sign that looked the one at the entrance. This sign described a little sunken garden. In the garden were examples of the plants that are included in the Grimms Brother tales.
Down in the garden were little squares of several different kinds of plants. Some of them were very pretty and some of them seemed to be poisonous. They were for looking, not tasting.

Back behind the Brother’s house was a quiet sitting garden. Back against the wall was a reminder that Heinrich was still on the Fairy Tale Road. When he looked closely he could see seven little statues. Then he realized they were the Seven Dwarves from the Snow White story.


1 comment:

  1. That's really neat, it's like you went back to where all the fairy-tales began.
