Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cochem exterior

After about a month from seeing the castle at Cochem from a distance. Heinrich got a chance to go back. This was the castle that looks like the Disney World Castle a little bit. The castle is on a high hill that looked really hard to climb. Instead of climbing all the way up the hill he found a back way to the castle entrance. This was a lot closer than from down n the valley.

It didn't take long to get to the pathway that leads into the castle. Heinrich liked getting his picture in front of the old castle.

The castle had 4 gates to go through on the way up the path. The first one had a tower and a portcullis (a pointing gate that hide up in the wall)

Just through the gatehouse is a grand view of the Mosel River and valley. There was a bunch of tourist from France sitting there. The vineyards run right up to the castle walls. And down in the valley you can see the old church with the fancy steeple.

At the next gate there was a knight in armor standing guard. Heinrich thought it would be a good idea to make friends so he got a picture on the knight's shoulder. You'll notice Heinrich picked the side that didn't have the sharp pokey parts. Its called a halbard and it really hurts if you get hit by one.

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